Thursday, October 13, 2011

My writing and the blogs

So I have noticed something about my writing lately.  It flows easily when I am just writing.  No facts, just opinions.  But once I try to introduce some actual research into my posts, I get insanely bored.

Think of it like this.  When I just write, like what I am doing right now and what I have done on my other posts, creativity is like a flowing river, it doesn't stop.  But when I introduce research, at least those dealing with statistics, it becomes dammed. The flow is just stopped and my head is over run with ideas that have no way to get out.  CURSE YOU STATISTICS!!!!!

I guess I should work on that.  Or maybe I should try researching other factoids first.  Like mythology.  It doesn't involve statistics, and, let's face it, if you know me, you know that I love, LOVE, mythology and everything that comes with it.

And now, so that this post isn't totally wasted, being as how it is very short, here are some Doctor Who related pictures for you.  :)

I understand how this cat feels.

And that is my Sonic screwdriver, because everything could use more sonic.

Thanks for reading and for understanding my nerdiness.

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