Thursday, October 20, 2011


Wow, it has been a little while since I last posted.  I can actually here the rust in my fingers being worked off by my typing.  And you know what the worse part of tonight this is?  Not the fact that I am working the rust off.  No, it's the fact that I really don't know what to write about.  I figure if I start to just write randomly, I may actually get into a subject... hmmm.  I need some inspiration.  Oh!  I know!  I'll talk about inspiration tonight!  Sound good?  I think so.

So I have had numerous inspirations in my life.  I have been inspired by music, by posters, death (sad but true), Facebook statuses (I really think we rely on Facebook a little too much these days... maybe I will write a post on that), television, and, this one surprises me (and I feel slightly endangered by it), driving down the highway.

Now, for that last one, one may ask "Hey Nathan, why is driving down the highway both inspiring and dangerous for you."  To anyone who might ask that, I will tell you "Well (insert questioner's name here), when I drive and get bored, I start to think.  And when I start to think, I day dream.  I focus enough on the road to keep myself from hitting anyone.  Other than the thought that I could run off the road, there really isn't much of a problem."

Also, when you are inspired by one of the items mentioned (or not mentioned) above, does your mind stay on that topic?  If you see a picture of Fergie (I don't know if I spelled her name right), do you continue to think about Fergie?
This is the least offensive picture I could find.
Does it say something about her if the best picture was a face shot?

Well I don't. I may see that picture and my mind could jump to a story of a man in the North Pole that was just abandoned by his crew and had to fend off a ravenous Polar Bear so that he could survive.  And who knows, a fish or steak or aliens may pop into the day dreaming too.  I would really be interested to see how my mind actually comes up with these things and if it is natural to jump to those ideas from a picture which has absolutely nothing to do with the thought.

Well, I think that is all for the night.  Thanks for reading!!!! =D

P.S.  To those of you who read the title and wonder why it has to do with tonight's post, I actually made that after I wrote all of this...

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