Saturday, December 31, 2011

On comes another year (and the regret of the last)

2011 has very little time left.  Of that we can all be sure.  Much of the world has already crossed over the threshold of 12 A.M. and are now reining in the new year with joy and hope for the future.  Some are making their resolutions and some are drinking until they forget 2011.  Hell, some who are still in 2011 are doing that.

I for one am excited for the new year.  There is so much to look forward to, whether it be movies, books, vacations, or the unknown.  My big plan for the coming year is to be here in Chicago, which will happen soon enough.  But as always, looking forward shouldn't be the only thing we pay our respects to at this time of year.

No, I believe we should also look back.  We should remember the mistakes we have made, the promises we have broken, our successes, our failures, our regrets, and anything else that will attribute to the way we will think this coming year.

My biggest regret, and also my greatest learning experience, is transferring to the college I am currently attending.  A year ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life.  I was silently crying for some sort of sign, of which none that I could see had appeared.  So I transferred schools.  I left my arts school, my city, some friends, and some lessons learned, behind.  I journeyed off on my own, I guess you could say.  I went into a depression.

But things picked up a little bit.  I got into my studies, met some people, joined groups and all that normal college stuff.  I worked every other day for 10 hours, which was nice for the pay check but bad for my whole do what I want when I want hopes (This part didn't help much with the depression either, in case you were wondering.).

Being that going to UWGB (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay) was my biggest regret, I can't tell you that I am ever really happy going there.  Really, being in Green Bay was kind of a downer.  I missed the tall buildings that Green Bay just didn't have.  I missed that fierce wind that Chicago gains its nickname.  I missed not having to drive whenever I had to go somewhere.  But, most of all, I missed the contact I had with people.

It was, however, a great learning experience, probably the biggest one of 2011.  I really started to grow up and gained some responsibilities.  But now I get to look forward, like the rest of us, to hopeful change and to a brighter world.  I know what I am going to be doing this coming year, where I will be headed in 2012, because of my mistakes over these last 364 days.

I am officially titling my 2011 "The year of mistakes" and naming my 2012 "The year to prosper".

Good night and Happy New Year!!!!